Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Where Does Time Go?

I can't believe it's been over a month since I've written on my blog!  But i guess it's a good picture of how crazy busy the month of May was for me!  First, there was an overload of work while the 4 main missionaries I work with were away.  Then a team came from the UGA Wesley Foundation and I had a wonderful but busy time with them!  It was so much fun having people from home here!  More of you should come!!!!!  I was even able to go on safari with them!
In the midst of the team being here, I had all of my preparations for Children's Day, a big holiday on June 1 similar to Christmas with lots of presents and a big feast.  We had Children's Day with the street kids on Saturday with over 100 showing up.  Then we celebrated here at the center on Sunday with a day packed full of festivities - new clothes give out, church, gifts, and a HUGE feast.  It was a fun but exhausting day!
The Wesley team left on Monday.  I spent all day Tuesday in bed sick ...which was actually a blessing because I desperately needed a day of rest.
And here I am.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

hey Sarah - great work you're doing there! Keep fighting the good fight!

- Melissa from JESUSpolitik