Exodus. The story of Moses leading the oppressed Israelites out of captivity...out of slavery. Its a story of God rescuing His people and bringing freedom to His chosen ones. Its a story of a new beginning.
In January, Masana will begin our own version of Exodus. We have chosen two boys who will enter into this 1-year transitional program.
Two boys who will be rescued from the streets.
Two boys who will be given the opportunity of a new beginning.
Over the years of working with street boys, we have come to realize that returning home to mom or dad isn't always the best solution for all of these boys. They reach an age where it is no longer a healthy option for them to just sit at home and be another mouth to feed. Perhaps it has to do with how God created men with a desire to work and provide. So, as much as we root for these boys to return to their families, we realize that isn't going to happen with all of them. Exodus will be our attempt to help a few of the boys that fit this description.
Though the end goal is not necessarily to see these boys return to their families, we continue to believe that ties with their family are important and must be strengthened. So the first component of Exodus will be on family. The boys will live with us here at Masana....as part of our family. They will have responsibilities around the house. They will have rules. And, most importantly, they will have someone to encourage them in their walk with God. The boys will spend weekends with their actual families...a night or 2 a week to strengthen those relationships because we know that the day will come when they realize the need their families.
The second component of Exodus will be education. The boys will participate in a literacy course at a local school. We know that not all of the Masana boys will thrive in school but we believe its necessary to know how to read and write. We'll provide them with a tutor who will work with them daily to help them reach this goal.
The final component of Exodus will be vocational training. Each of the boys will choose a vocational course that interests him...electricity, plumbing, masonry...there are many options. Masana will pay for them to complete the course and purchase the basic materials they need. After they complete their courses, we will help them arrange an internship. The hope is that, by the end of the year, they will have enough knowledge and experience to begin working and earning an income that will enable them to rent a house and purchase their basic necessities.
Join us in praying for these 2 young men...that they truly will have an Exodus from the street life.
Join us in praying for these 2 young men...that they truly will have an Exodus from the street life.
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