In January 2008, a little over a month after I moved to Mozambique, I met Gaspar and Zacarius who were living on the streets. You can read their stories here or here or here or here or here or here. In fact, the majority of my blog posts from 2009 involve them. I've written lots about these brothers and their family over the past 6 years because they are a HUGE part of my story. They are the reason I work with street kids today.
And sadly, they are still on the streets today. After their mom passed away in 2010, both brothers came back to the streets. Zacarius goes to stay with an uncle from time to time but currently they are both here in the city.
Zacarius showed up at Masana yesterday after having been beaten with a rock by someone who wanted to steal his money. He's in a lot of pain. Ian took him to the hospital last night and he'll have some follow-up appointments this week. Please join us in praying for his healing. We often see God use times of sickness or injury to transform a boys hearts...to wake them up to the reality of this life on the streets they have chosen and to remind them of home. That's my prayer for Zacarius now...that God will transform his heart and stir up a longing for home. Home for Zacarius is complicated since him mom passed away...but God knows the perfect home for him whether that be with dad, grandma, our one of his many aunts or uncles. Pray that God will pick Zacarius up and place him in family.
God sets the lonely in family. Psalm 68:6