Saturday, February 7, 2009

Coloring Books

I have finished my first week at Masana. This past week, the word was getting out to all the kids that we had reopened so it was mostly just hang-out time and figuring out what education level each of the boys is at. On Monday, we will start with school. The boys taught me to play a card game called "cinco cartoes." We played this game for hours with an incomplete deck of cards. After two days of this, I was desperate to provide other activities for the boys so I went out and bought some coloring books, crayons, pick-up-sticks, and dominoes. The coloring books were a huge hit!!! It was so fun to watch the boys, young and old, color pictures of dancing elephants and dinosaurs. It was a great reminder that no matter how tough the streets have made them, they are still just kids.

If anyone wants to send a package to me, I would love to put together an art box and a game box for the boys to use while they are at Masana each day. That kind of stuff is pretty expensive to buy here. With games, keep them simple - for kids under 10 maybe. You can send it to my mailbox in South Africa:
Sarah Olds
Suite 337 Private Bag X11340
Nelspruit 1200
South Africa

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