Friday, October 16, 2009

Paulo Cossa

This past weekend, Paulo Cossa, one of the boys that i was closest to last year at the Iris Children's center, passed away. Paulo came to live at the children's center just before I did in December, 2007. He was quite sick when he arrived but with nurses looking after his health and proper nutrition, he improved greatly.

Paulo and Inacio were best friends and they were quite attached to me. And i loved that. We had so much fun together....from trips to the city for dinner at Mimmo's or going to the market to buy vegetables and then give it away to people in the community. Even after I moved to the city to work with street kids, Paulo and Inacio would come running anytime they saw my car driving into the center.

But Saturday of last weekend, Paulo left us. He went to be with Jesus. I can say with confidence that he knew the Lord. Paulo was one of the most beautiful kid to watch during worship. It was obvious that he was lost in the presence of the Lord. 1 John 3:1 says, "how great is the love the Father has lavished on us that we should be children on God. . . and that is who we are." Paulo knew that he was a child of God. He was confident in the love of his Father.

Paulo was such a beautiful young man. I am so thankful that the Lord allowed him to be a part of my life for a short time and that I was able to lavish love on him.


sebren said...

So sorry to hear of the hurt and pain you are experiencing right night. Will be praying for those who love Paulo.

Brooke said...

Paulo was so lucky to have you in his life...I remember so clearly you taking them to the market and giving them 50mts to buy some fruit and vegies that you were then going to give away to someone in need...and them being so excited to go and bless a family in the community and share Gods love with them. You taught him lessons and prayed prayers for him that allowed him to come to know our amazing Jesus and have his life transformed. Jesus put you and Paulo together for that time and you did him proud. Paulo will always be in our hearts... I love you my sister. We love you Paulo, and we will never forget you. xxx

Melissa said...

Love both the pictures of him- so sorry for your loss, Sarah, and SO glad that he's with His creator now. Heaven soon!

Caren said...

Sarah so sorry your heart is hurting. I"m praying for you! Today is my day to pray for you anyway, so I'm glad I know how to pray!! Your love for the kids here and there still impacts me and pushes me to love more!!
Love you so much!