Monday, August 15, 2011

Nearing the End.

As I write this post, I am recovering from my last round of chemo. It has been quite the whirlwind since I was diagnosed with breast cancer in February. This season of my life has definitely been the hardest. There were definitely some hard days and I have hated being away from Mozambique and all the street boys we minister to. But I know that God has purpose in it and that He will reveal those purposes to me in time. Until then, I continue to choose to walk with Him each day, trusting that He is in control. I will start my radiation treatments next Monday and when I complete them at the end of September, I will be on the first possible plane back to Mozambique!!!

In Mozambique, there are 2 other full time missionaries as well as 6 Mozambican staff members that I work with and they have done a wonderful job of carrying things in my absence. Since January, 8 boys have left their lives on the streets and returned home! Most of them spent a month living at our project prior to returning home where they were able to receive more in depth teaching on family as well as have a time to get used to having rules and responsibility again. There have also been around 15 street boys that have stayed for a few nights, as they’ve needed a place to recover from sickness or injury. The project continues to average around 30 street boys a day at our day-center. Those 30 boys are daily lavished in the love of the Father through the missionaries and workers and taught from the Word of God. Their basic needs are also met as they receive breakfast and lunch, are taught basic literacy education, and have a place to shower and wash their clothes.

As I prepare to return to Mozambique, I am doing my fundraising for 2012 since I won't return to the States til the end of next year. I have to raise around $23,000 for the year. If you are able to help, it would be much appreciated! All gifts are tax deductible. If you want to give online, you can do so at by clicking on “Mozambique – Sarah Olds.” Or you can mail a check made payable to Unveiled Faces with "Sarah Olds" on the memo line to: Unveiled Faces, PO Box 8235, Atlanta, GA 31106. If you are interested in giving on a monthly basis, please let me know and I’ll help get that set up.

Thank you for all of your prayers and support as I’ve battled this cancer. I truly believe that my experience with cancer – from surgery to chemo and hopefully radiation too – has been easier than expected because of the great cloud of witnesses I have surrounding me in prayer and encouragement.

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